viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013


According to the WHO:

"The health education addresses not only the transmission of information, but also the promotion of motivation, self-esteem and personal skills necessary to take action to improve health.'s Health education includes not only information on to the social, economic and environmental causes that influence health, but also referred to the risk factors and behaviors, and the use of the healthcare system. "

Health education is divided into:

- Primary Prevention.
- Secondary prevention.
- Tertiary Prevention.

In the following video makes clear what would be a proper health education.
Speaking of 2020, indicating what would be the ideal model of prevention and promotion, especially in chronic patients.

I totally agree with this video, these would be the desired results and ideals, but in order to reach a realization that's needed. I think there is nothing that is impossible to get, just need our efforts and the fight for a healthy society and health.

As nurses have an important role in spreading this message, but anyone can help this simply with care and love your body a little more.


1. Prevención en el anciano. PAPPS. 909-965. Disponible en:

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