domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013


The nursing valuation can be made according to the classification of Marjory Gordon and Virginia Henderson.

We can not fail to mention either, geraquizada Maslow's pyramid, which gives priority to basic needs.

Virginia Henderson defined nursing as: 

"The only function of a nurse is to assist the individual in health and disease, in the performance of those activities contributing to health, recovery or a peaceful death, that he realized without help if given the strength, the will and the necessary knowledge. and do this in a way that will help you become independent as soon as possible "

The valuation of Virginia Henderson, consists of fourteen needs, which are:
  1. Breathe normally.
  2. Drink and eat properly.
  3. Eliminate all body passageways.
  4. Move and maintain good body alignment.
  5. Sleep and rest.
  6. Wear appropriate clothing, dressing and undressing.
  7. Maintain a body temp within normal limits.
  8. Maintain personal hygiene and skin integrity.
  9. Avoid environmental hazards.
  10. Communicate, express their sexuality and emotions.
  11. Live with their own beliefs and values.
  12. Be busy.
  13. Participate in recreational activities to take place.
  14. Learn, discover and satisfy the curiosity.

Within these fourteen needs we can say that the elderly are dependent or independent.

We speak of independence, when: the elder performed a series of actions to maximize health status, making their skills and potential.

We speak of dependence when: inability to perform skills and potential, and to meet their basic needs.

According to an article by Vallejo Sanchéz, which consisted of "developing a nursing assessment tool, based on the conceptual model of Virginia Henderson and complemented with validated questionnaires and scales, allowing us to identify the needs of the elderly, weigh the risk of geriatric syndromes and plan appropriate care. "

It was found that the time spent in carrying out the assessment, it was an investment in improving healthcare quality. And he reinforced the importance of valuation for a proper management plan and care, providing health in recent years.

I totally agree with the item, since a good plan of care is based on an exhaustive and appropriate valuation. With the assessment is not only detect problems, but also to see that we must prevent factors.

In the valuation must not only assess the patient, but also the environment and the primary caregiver, as many times these too require our private help.

Finally, I leave this video made by the Government of Aragon, which shows a very general way how to help a patient dependent.



1. Vallejo Sáchez JM, Rodríguez Palma M, Valverde Sánchez MM. Valoración enfermera geriátrica. Un modelo de registro en residencias de ancianos. Gerokomos v.18 n.2. Madrid. Junio. 2007. Disponible en:

2. Modelo de Virginia Henderson. Enfermería. Universidad Mayor Temuco. Chile. 2009. Disponible en:

3. Vernet Aguiló F. Conceptos básicos de enfermería en la atención gerontológica según el Modelo V.Henderson. Gerokomos. 2007; v.18 (nº2). Disponible en:

domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013


The nursing process is divided into: assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation.

Geriatric assessment is the essential tool of Geriatrics.
Is the technique that is responsible for detecting and quantifying the problems affecting four areas: clinical, functional, mental and social ability, and emotional capacity.

Within these areas I will talk about the functional, which is the most important I think. since at this value the independence to perform activities of daily living.



Basic activities of daily living
Instrumental activities of daily living
Wandering (bed, couch, shower, bath ...)
Climbing stairs
Use phone
Medication Management
Money Management

To assess this we used a series of scales in Spain. Depending on whether they are basic or instrumental activities scales are different.

Basic activities of daily living scales:  

1. Katz Index.
2. Barthel Index.

3. Physical Disability Scale of Red Cross.
4. Plutchik Scale.

Instrumental activities of daily living: 

1. Lawton y Brody Scale.

According to the Acosta study: Activities of daily living in older adults: The experience of two focus groups.

The study aims to obtain a sample of examples of physical and mental recreation, social, independence and health protection, as initially proposed an inventory of life activities
seniors daily.
Taking it just with two focus groups, one eight and fifteen other formed by elderly.

The results show a wide variety of activities  of daily activities as a consequence of heterogeneity in aging process, and set bases for further studies on adaptation mechanisms of aged people facing aging changes, to attend needs that this population sector demands.

The differences in the previous study are given mainly by the degree of cognitive impairment with patients. Cognitive impairment is considered one of the factors that affects the dependency in old age.


1. Sanjoaquín AC, Fernández E, Mesa MP, García-Arilla E. Valoración geriátrica integral. En: Tratado de geriatría para residentes. Madrid: Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología (SEGG); p.59-68. Disponible en:

2. MªTeresa Alarcón Alarcón. Valoracíon geriátrica: Utilidad Predictiva en el estudio y seguimiento del paciente geriátrico hospitalizado. Tesis Doctoral. Dirigida por: Prof. JM RIBERA CASADO, Dr. JI GONZÁLEZ. Madrid. 1996. Disponible en: 

3. Acosta Quiroz CO, González-Celis Rangel ALM. Activities of daily living in older adults: 

The experience of two focus groups.Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. VOL. 15, NUM. 2: 393-401 JULIO-DICIEMBRE, 2010. Disponible en:

domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013


There are many theories of aging. We can divide them into:
  • Biologic theories.
  • Psychosocial theories.

Biologic theories
Psychosocial theories
- The Programmed Theory.
- The Rut-out-program Theory.
- The Living Theory.
- The Gen Theory.
- The Molecular Theories.
- The Error Theory.
- The Somatic Mutations Theory.
- The Free Radical Theory.
- The Cross Line.
- The Clinker Theory. 
- The Neuroendocrine Theory.
- The Immunologic Theory.

- The Disengagement Theory.

- The Actitvity Theory.

- Life Course Theories:
     Erikson's Theory.
     Havighurt's Theory.
     Jung's Theory.

There are so many different theories and is a subject so vast, that I think the most important thing is to know the essential functioning.

So I'm putting this video, which is very interesting. Speaking in general of all these theories, very explanatory and easy to understand.

It is in Spanish, a program of the  Tve, called "Networks".


1. Pérez V, Sierra F. Biología del envejecimiento (Biology of aging). Rev. Méd.Chile. 2009; 137: 296-302.